InterLanguage-Viriditas Education and Service Ltd.

InterLanguage Language Center

Purpose of the Prospectus

InterLanguage-Viriditas Training and Service Ltd., as a Data Manager at , informs you as a visitor of our website and the user of our services about our company’s data management and data protection rules.

Our Company undertakes to ensure that all data management related to its activity is in compliance with applicable law:

  • Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the management of personal data by the natural persons (GDPR).
  • Act CXII of 2011 on the right to information, self-determination and freedom of information; Act – (Info tv.).
  • Act V of 2013 on Civil Code (Civil Code).
  • On the implementation of CVIII in 2001 on certain electronic commerce services and information society services; Act – (Eker tv.).
  • Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications (Ehtv).
  • The 1997 CLV Act on Consumer Protection; Act (TV show).
  • The CLXV 2013 Complaints and Notifications of Public Interest; law (FAs).
  • Act XLVIII of 2008 on the Fundamental Terms and Limitations of Economic Advertising Activity; Act (Gvt.).
  • 2013 LXXVII. Act on Adult Education.

Our Company reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy and Data Privacy Notice; about which we will duly inform you. Data management information is published at

If you have any questions regarding the contents of this brochure, please contact our colleagues via any of the given contact details.

Principles of the Prospectus

For our Company, it is of paramount importance to protect your personal information and to respect your right to information self-determination. Our Company will take all measures necessary to ensure the aforementioned.

  • Personal data is legally and fairly handled and treated with transparency.
  • Personal data is collected for specific, unambiguous and legitimate purposes and is not treated in a way that is incompatible with said purposes.
  • Our Company takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the information we manage is accurate and, if necessary, updated, and as soon as we are informed that any personal data is inaccurate, it will be deleted or corrected immediately.
  • Personal data is stored in a format that is only identifiable by law and/or the required time.
  • Adequate technical and organizational measures are provided to ensure the security of personal data against unauthorized or unlawful handling, accidental loss, destruction or damage to the data.
  • Personal data are handled on the basis of prior informed and voluntary contributions and only to the extent necessary and in any case targeted, i.e. collected, recorded, systematized, stored and used.
  • In some cases, the handling of personal data is based on statutory requirements and is mandatory and in such cases, the attention of those concerned is specifically mentioned.
  • In some cases, our Company or a third party has a legitimate interest in the handling of personal data, such as the operation, development and security of our website.

III. Name of the Data Controller

Company Name: InterLanguage-Viriditas Oktató és Szolgáltató Kft.

Headquarters: 1053 Budapest, Királyi Pál street 10. 3rd floor, door IV.

Contact: Tímea Wagner (Training assistant)

E-Mail address:

Company registration number: 01-09-868454

VAT number: 13695589-2-41

The Data Management Circuit and the Scope of the Managed Data

The Data Management Team

The data are only available to the employees of InterLanguage-Viriditas Training and Service Ltd. as Data Manager and Data Processing Employees. Data will not be disclosed or available to unauthorized third parties as data are handled in a closed system. Data may only be used as specified in the Prospectus.

InterLanguage-Viriditas Ltd. 10. Királyi Pál u., Budapest 1053

If we change the scope of our data processors, the changes will be transmitted in this prospectus and you will be informed via electronic notification.

Data we Manage:

Name of activity and purpose of data managementLegal basisTreated dataDuration
First name
(company name, contact person)
E-Mail address
Telephone number
Skype availability
Until deletion and cancellation of permission
Recording the names of the candidates on the waiting listPermissionSurname
First name
(company name, contact person)
E-Mail address
phone number
Skype availability
Until deletion and cancellation of permission
Issuing an invoiceLegal ObligationFull name
8 years
Newsletter servicePurpose: to maintain contact,useful and target-specific informationPermissionFull name
E-Mail address
Company name
Newsletter until unsubscribing
Administration, complaint comment,Reply to a complaintLegal obligationFull name
E-Mail address
Postal address
5 years
Conclusion of an adult education contractLegal obligationName; birth name; place and time of birth; gender; nationality; residence; in case of a non-Hungarian resident the pretense of residency and the permit’s name and number, the Social Security number; tax number; telephone number; E-Mail address; highest level of education; professional qualifications, current language knowledge; form of work8 years

You can contact us by E-Mail at or by post at 1053 Budapest, Képíró utca 9, 3rd floor, room 309. For further information, we will send you a reply without delay to the contact details provided.

Duration of Data Handling

The duration of the customer relationship between the data subject concerned and the data controller or the date on which the consent of the party concerned is withdrawn, as well as the time intervals specified by the public authorities of NAV, FIR, INSTITUTE IN CHARGE OF ADUT EDUCATION. At the end of the data retention, data must be deleted and paper-based data must be destroyed

Site Management, Electronic Communications, Withdrawal of Data Management Permission

You will voluntarily provide us with your personal information when signing up for E-Mail or contacting our Company. Therefore, we encourage you to make sure that your information is accurate, correct and complete as you are responsible for communicating your information. Incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete data may be an obstacle to using our services.

If you enter personal information about another person, we presume that you have the necessary authorization.

You may revoke your permission for data management at any time

  • by deleting the registration
  • by withdrawing your permission for data management
  • by requesting the withdrawal of permission to use and handle any data provided during the registration

The withdrawal of the permission must be directed to and in a clear and concise way

Due to technical reasons, we undertake an 8-day deadline for the registration of the permission’s withdrawal – but please note that we may process some data to enforce our legal obligation or to enforce legitimate interests after the withdrawal of the permission.

In the case of a waiver (full or partial) request, we will consider, within the legal framework, whether we should deny the deletion of data for any reason as determined by law.

If, for some reason, we have to deny the deletion, we will inform you as soon as possible via the contact details you provide. Please note that we do not investigate the correctness of the contact information you provide, so we will not be responsible for any errors resulting from incorrect contact information.

Newsletter Data Management

You may consent to your personal data being used for marketing purposes by means of a personal or E-Mail statement made at the time of registration or later by modifying your data, i.e. by expressly expressing your permission. In this case, your data will be processed for the purpose of sending newsletters and we will send you a newsletter until the permission is withdrawn (Article 6 of GRTV).

You can unsubscribe from this newsletter free of charge, without justification.

Registration of the withdrawal or cancellation of individual permissions will be made by 8-day deadline for technical reasons.

VII. Data Management Requests

Your data may only be transmitted under statutory terms and our data processors (bound by contractual terms) shall not use your personal information for purposes other than given by your permission.

The court, the prosecutor’s office and other authorities e.g. police, tax office, National Privacy and Data Protection Authority may contact our Company for information, disclosure of data or documents. In these cases, we have to fulfil our reporting obligations but only to the extent strictly necessary for achieving the purpose of the request.

Any contributor (employee, contract partner, etc.) participating in the data management and data processing of our Company is entitled to know your personal information; subject to a pre-determined obligation, subject to confidentiality.

We will protect your personal information with appropriate technical and other measures and ensure the security and availability of your data as well as the prevention of any unauthorized access, alteration, damage, disclosure or any other unauthorized use.

We use password protection and anti-virus software for technical measures. However, your attention is drawn to the fact that data transmission over the Internet cannot be considered to be a fully secure data transfer. Our company does its utmost to make the processes as secure as possible, with strict information covering the data received by our Company as to how we protect the security of your data and prevent unauthorized access.

VIII. Storing data

Our company retains the documents containing personal data in physical form in a closed cabinet in our branch office (1053 Budapest, Képíró utca 9, 3rd floor, room 309). Documents containing personal data stored in digital form are stored in a closed system in a password-protected folder on external media.

Rights of the person concerned and remedies

The person concerned with management of their data can:

  • Request information
  • Request the correction, modification, and supplementation of his personal data
  • Object to data handling and may request the deletion or blocking of their data (except for mandatory data handling)
  • Aquire legal remedies in court
  • Lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority or initiate proceedings

Supervisory Authority: National Data Protection and Information Authority

  • Headquarters: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor, 22/c.
  • Postal address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5.
  • Phone: +36 (1) 391-1400
  • Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410
  • E-mail:
  • Website:

At your request, we provide information about the handling and processing (either by us or by our contacted data processor) of

  • Your data
  • The purpose and legal basis of data management
  • Its duration and, if this is not possible, the criteria for determining this period
  • The name, availability and data management activities of the data processor
  • The circumstances, effects of data protection incidents and our measures taken to avoid and prevent them
  • The legal basis and the addressee of your personal the case of a data transfer

We will notify you within a short time period after the submission of your application but no more than within 1 month. Providing information is free of charge.

Our Company will inform you about the correction, blocking, marking and deletion of personal data and will notify those who previously forwarded the data for data processing, unless the failure to notify violates your legitimate interest.

If you object to the handling of your personal information, the objection will normally be examined within 10 days (but not later than within 1 month) of the submission of the request and you will be informed in writing about our decision. If we have decided that your objection is well-founded, data handling, including further data collection and data transfer will be discontinued and the data will be blocked and any objections and action taken will be notified to all relevant parties involved in the objection.

We will refuse to comply with the request if it is demonstrated that data handling is justified by legitimate enforcement reasons that are in the interest of your rights and freedoms or which relate to the submission, enforcement, or defense of legal claims. If you disagree with our decision or fail to comply with the deadline, you may contact the court within 30 days of the date of the decision or the last day of the deadline.

The processing of data protection claims falls within the jurisdiction of the court; the proceedings may be initiated before the court of domicile or residence of the person concerned. A foreign national may also lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority of the place of residence.

Please, in order to resolve the issue and solve the problem as quickly as possible, do not hesitate to contact our Company before contacting the supervisory authority or court with your complaint.

Other provisions

Our Company commits itself to ensure the security of the data and also takes measures to ensure that the data recorded, stored or managed is protected and that it does everything in its power to prevent their destruction, unauthorized use and unauthorized alteration.

It is also committed to calling on any third party to comply with this obligation to whom the data may be transmitted or transferred.

In addition, we inform you that the court, the prosecutor’s office, the investigating authority, the offense authority, the administrative authority, the data protection commissioner or other bodies authorised by law may contact the data controller to request information, transfer, or filing of data and the provision of documents.

If any personal data becomes compromised, the data controller immediately informs the data handling authority: National Data Protection and Information Authority. This must be carried out within 72 hours when the data controller becomes aware of the violation.

If the breach is likely to adversely affect the rights and freedoms of individuals, the Company must inform the affected individuals without delay.

The Company must ensure that the data controller has reconnaissance, investigation and internal reporting procedures. This makes it easier to decide what events to report to the supervisory authority concerned and stakeholders.

The Company must also keep track of any breach of personal data, whether or not it is required to report.

The Data Controller considers himself/herself to be bound by this Prospectus and agrees that the information contained in this Prospectus shall be in accordance with his/her data management activity.

Budapest, 2024.